Coaching at Wigan Hockey Club? then here's some information and guidance to help you in planning great fun sessions as well as some useful links.​
Coaching Support
One of the biggest challenges that our clubs face is working out how to provide fun and engaging sessions for all the our members to take part in. The questions below reflect those that are regularly asked or provided as challenges, so we have aimed to provide some guidance and suggestions to help you work around these.
Make it fun and engaging - no lines, laps or lectures!
Whoever you are coaching or delivering sessions to, it’s important to ensure it has the right ingredients. Using the Golden Thread will ensure that your sessions are fun and engaging, whoever you are coaching.
The most effective way of developing highly skilled players, keeping players coming back to your sessions and delivering fun and engaging sessions is through fun, game-like activities rather than repetitive drills. Games or game-like activity should be an essential focus of each session, rather than just played at the end.
To do this, it’s important to understand what the players want in order to deliver a great experience for them and the below outlines the key headlines of what Children and Adults want from Hockey.
To feel involved
Have lots of touches of the ball, play small sided games
Scoring lots of goals, achieving tasks increase fun and enjoyment
Winning isn’t crucial, let everyone play
Simple rules
Positive & encouraging
Keeps social groups together
Fun rather than drills & skills
Lots of small sided games
Creating an enjoyable & relaxed atmosphere
The role of the coach/leader in delivering this experience is crucial and England Hockey have provided guidance on the what you need to deliver fun, engaging and safe sessions.
Hockey England has the following resources available on the Hockey Hub for coaches.
Coaching Documentation